Day 114: I'm so lucky...

Today is crazy. Following a fun and family filled, crazy holiday weekend away, the girls had to get up and get to school. I need to reassemble my house, find places for all the new things, get food, do laundry, and put away the new clothes we picked up last week before going out of town. Whew.
My little Miss S slowly got up, and gradually got ready. I threw on my sneakers next to her as she finished getting dressed at the top of the stairs, so that she can sit on the heat vent. When she was ready, she crawled in to my lap, gave me one of my favorite around the neck squeezes, and said, "I'm so lucky I have you."
Melt. My. Heart.
The conversation that flowed was brief and filled with "I love you more than..."'s. It was a perfect moment.
It's a great day to be Mom. Thanks God, for that. What a great shot in the arm on a day that is filled with drudgery. I am so grateful.
And thank you to Tara Whitney (amazing photographer, artist, Mom, you name it) for posting a heart warming moment on her blog, which spurred me to write down this golden nugget. It was such a quick flash, something that can fade from memory so quickly. I am grateful for the inspiration to write it down.