Today, I am grateful for the soft light, quiet stillness of morning. I am thankful for sharing time with my little one, and I am very grateful for a SHINING sun. I am thankful for the opportunity to play with Miss S, and to play on the computer with an image I like. And, not the least, for Miss S allowing me to take her photo.
I am, and always have been by nature, a night owl. Mornings have always been harder for me. I wake up and need to snooze, at least once. My nose is snuffy, my throat scratchy, and overall groggy.
And then I gave birth to a morning bird. From the time she was born, she was naturally an early riser, one who shines as the sun does, and cranks as it goes down. Someone had to be up with her. Initially, we took turns getting up. Then I noticed something lovely happens in the morning with my Miss S.
It is quiet. She shines. She tells stories and puts on acts for me. We discuss everything from what we are looking forward to, and things we might want to do. We laugh and snuggle.
The light is different. The noises are different. The quiet that I enjoy late a t night is present in the earl morning as well. And the time with Miss S has become something I am grateful for, instead of dreading the first light of the day.
Don't get me wrong- we've done everything in our power to encourage her to be up later, and stay asleep longer. I still don't function at my best in the morning. Anytime I have to get up before 6:15 is absolutley a struggle. But I have learned to enjoy- no, that's not right- savor the beauty of morning. And savor the time with my little girl.
Above is a photo I snapped this morning, next to our sliding glass doors. To my dismay, Photoshop wasn't working. So I tried Picnic, from a prompt in Picassa. I played around a LOT with it, but was glad it could handle a RAW image. The above is the result of my plays. I couldn't even begin to tell you what I did to it. But I had a lot of fun.