Day 31: God's Creatures
This morning, I noticed little squirrel prints, and the tin foil torn open. A tiny corner of the plastic wrap has a tiny hole. And a bit of sauce, a little bite of meat on the side. And when looked at most closely, a tiny squirrel bite out of the top layer of our LASGNA!
So, a few moments later, a few deep breaths later, and a photo to document... we can now laugh at feeding the hungry neighborhood animals, and enjoy calling in a dinner to enjoy together. Because really it was about being able to see each other anyway. And so:
I am thankful for being reminded the point of it all is being together. I am thankful for the reminder, and thankful for my Miss S who immediately saw the humor and reminded me that when a squirrel gives me lemons for dinner, we just have the chance to enjoy lemonade together.
But seriously squirrel, please stay off my porch for a few days. Let's not push it :)
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