Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6

Day 6: Team Work!
Okay, so we had a day at home. Miss S's tummy gave us a good reason to stay at home and enjoy each other. This day was a blessing. It was exactly what my girls and I needed: time together. Thanks universe.

When I came downstairs from the shower, to go pick up the girls' work from school, I found they joined forces to create a barrier to the front door!!! They did not want our day of peace and fun to end. I had to laugh! And be thankful they enjoyed the time together enough to unite. I had the phrase from the Wonderpetsin mind as we deconstructed the Great Wall of No Homework... "What's gonna work? Team work!"

Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.


  1. Love the expressions in your photo!
    Sounds like a great day and I agree, nothing like spending time with the ones you love!

  2. Wish my two got along that well! That is a sweet photo!

  3. precious beyond words!
    we homeschool and today was one of those days where we just decided to do 2 subjects and let them play, they so needed it after having so much commotion over christmas break!

  4. Great photo! And I can hear that Wonder Pet song in my head now!

  5. What a great picture! You can tell how much fun the girls were having!

  6. I love when my kid is sick and i get to stay home and take care of him. Not that I want sick kids, but you know what I mean :)

    Hope she's feeling better...

  7. So cute! Looks like united, they are a force to be reckoned with!

  8. There is nothing like the bond of sisters. such a sweet photo.

  9. What a sweet shot! And sometimes those days off are just what we need!

  10. I smiled at the photo of the girls, but then had to LOL at the barricade!

  11. Oh, they are clearly proud of their accomplishment. Glad all of you girls got some time together - and that Miss S's tummy was feeling better.

  12. There is nothing like cocooning with family a whole day!
