Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2. 2: Photography

Day 33: Photography
Okay, so I get that it's been a severe winter. I get that we have to make up all these delicious breaks. But, I have no control. So I will be present in the present, and enjoy the gift of stopping to enjoy.

So, today I am thankful for my hobby, photography. I am thankful that when I am outside digging out the cars, I am looking around and thinking of all the possibilities. I am thankful that I can fit into my daughter's boots, so when I go clomping around in the crunchy, deep snow I can get my shot with warm, dry toes. I am thankful that it is (relatively) warm out, so even though it is wet, I am comfortable. I am thankful that I don't care much about appearances, so that while I have my snowflake pj bottoms, bright pink boots, and borrowed brown and white and pink ear flap hat, complete with pom pom on top, I can walk around my street confidently. And completely sure the teens next door are laughing at me, HARD. And I laugh with them, because I KNOW exactly how silly I look. But I'm warm, I have my favorite camera, I have fingerless gloves, and I am having fun.

Thank you, God for another day of pLaY.


  1. Love the ice drop! Good for you for going out and shooting in the cold. Let those teens laught---a few years from now they will be the target...

  2. I am a teen and I have totally walked outside like that in the snow before! What is it about that weather that makes us feel comfortable?!
    We haven't had any severe weather for around a month now so now frosty/snowy shots for a while :( Beautiful shot and great post!

  3. So beautiful! Man! Seeing all these beautiful winter shots, makes me want to go visit some cold place right now.

  4. I steal my girl's boots too! Her are better than mine. ;)

  5. Saw your link on 2peas... GREAT shot! I really, really like it. A LOT.
